The Best DNS Servers of 2022: Boost Your Internet Speed with These Free, Public Services

The Best DNS Servers of 2022 Boost Your Internet Speed with These Free, Public Services
What are DNS servers, you ask? DNS servers (the Domain Name System) work to turn website names into their corresponding IP addresses so your browser can easily find them. Since DNS servers from your internet service provider (ISP) likely aren’t the fastest, choosing the best DNS servers of 2022 can speed up your browsing and boost your internet speed by as much as 38%. Here are five of the best DNS servers to help you do this!
What is a Domain Name System?
A Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that allows you to convert human-readable website names into numerical IP addresses. This is necessary because computers can only communicate with each other using numerical IP addresses. There are two primary types of DNS servers: 1) Internal – Used by your own computer and internal network; 2) External – Connected to the internet and receive requests from external sources. However, when it comes to security and speed, external DNS servers have become more popular in recent years. In fact, Google Public DNS has become one of the most popular public services available today. It’s secure, fast, and reliable. It’s also ad-free!
Another great service is OpenDNS, which also offers both free and paid options. If you’re looking for an alternative to your current ISP’s DNS server or want to add another layer of protection on top of your VPN connection then OpenDNS might be worth considering as well.
The last thing I want to mention about choosing a good DNS server is port forwarding settings. If you’re running multiple devices through one network adapter or modem, make sure they all have their ports forwarded correctly so that everything works smoothly together!
Why Change DNS Servers?
There are many reasons you might want to change your DNS servers. Maybe you’re not happy with your current provider’s speed or security. Maybe you want to use a different service that offers more features. Or maybe you’re just curious about what else is out there. Whatever the reason, changing DNS servers is easy and can have a big impact on your internet experience. And if you’re an experienced user, feel free to skip ahead to our list of the best DNS servers of 2022! For those of you who need some help figuring out how to make this happen, we’ve got a step-by-step guide for all platforms at the end of this post. But first, let’s go over some of the basics so you know what to look for in a new server. With so many providers out there it can be hard to find one that meets your needs.
What Are DNS Servers?: Before we get into the nitty-gritty, it would be good to start with an explanation of what these things actually do. Most people think of their computer as connecting directly to websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. But really the connection goes through several devices before it reaches its destination. The two most important components between your computer and these sites are the internet service provider (ISP) which provides you with internet access and the local ISP which manages data flow within your home network. The ISP usually assigns IP addresses dynamically using NAT technology which helps keep outside users from hacking into your system. If a hacker wanted to break into your account they would have to guess your password and hope that you were on the same IP address when they did it. However, this isn’t always enough protection because ISPs assign IPv4s on an ongoing basis without knowing who will be using them next. So even if you change your password every time someone logs onto your account, hackers could still break in by spoofing the ISP’s assignment algorithm and intercepting traffic before it gets encrypted. Which brings us back to DNS servers – by changing them you can give yourself another layer of protection against hackers. A lot of ISPs also throttle bandwidth speeds once certain limits are reached but by installing a custom DNS server you can unlock those restrictions for faster speeds too!
Public DNS Servers
- A public DNS server is a Domain Name System (DNS) server that anyone can use.
- A DNS server is responsible for translating website names into their corresponding IP addresses so that your computer can connect to them.
- Many ISPs provide their own DNS servers, but these can often be slow and unreliable.
- Using a public DNS server can help boost your internet speed and improve your connection reliability.
- Some of the best public DNS servers include Cloudflare’s, Google’s, and Quad9’s . 6. It’s important to note that these services are not the same as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), which create an encrypted tunnel between you and a remote location such as Netflix or BBC iPlayer. 7. VPNs are more private than DNS servers because they encrypt your data traffic, preventing third parties from eavesdropping on what you’re doing online. 8. If you want protection from hackers, malware, phishing attacks, or other threats while surfing the web, it’s best to combine both a VPN and a public DNS service on your device.
Alternatives to Google Public DNS
While Google Public DNS is a great option for many people, there are other free public DNS servers available that can be faster or more reliable. Here are some of the best alternatives to Google Public DNS. Best Alternative to Google Public DNS – OpenDNS: OpenDNS offers speedy and dependable service as well as protection from phishing scams and malware sites. The only downside is that this company does collect anonymized usage data in order to provide better service – which may not work for everyone’s needs. However, this service costs nothing and will improve your internet connection speed by up to 45%.
Best Alternative to Google Public DNS – Quad9: Quad9 is another option that provides speedy internet connections while protecting you from malicious sites and even keeping your browser safe from phishing scams. You don’t have to give any personal information or install any software when using this DNS server. They offer both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses so it should work on most devices.
Best Alternative to Google Public DNS – At just 9 seconds average response time, ranks high among the fastest public DNS servers currently available on the market today! It doesn’t require installation on your computer either so it should work quickly and reliably on all your devices (PCs, tablets, phones). All traffic is encrypted too for added security so you can feel confident about browsing websites without worrying about others seeing what you’re doing online.
Your Thoughts?
As we move into the new year, it’s important to reflect on the past and set ourselves up for success in the future. Part of that success comes from having a fast and reliable internet connection. And one way to ensure that is by using a DNS server that can give you the speed you need. Here are some of the best DNS servers of 2022 that are sure to give you a boost in your internet speeds! -Google Public DNS – Google’s public service offers enhanced security and privacy according to their website. They also offer protection against malware, phishing scams, and cyberattacks.
-OpenDNS – OpenDNS is often considered the most popular free DNS service on the market because of its ease of use. It also offers great protection against malware as well as other threats like phishing scams and spyware sites.
-Cloudflare – Cloudflare offers a robust security suite that includes anti-spamming tools, full site blocking capabilities (including content filtering), anti-phishing protections, web application firewall protection services, DDoS attack prevention services, and more! -UnoTelly – UnoTelly features an easy-to-use interface that allows users to unblock streaming media without slowing down their internet connection. Their service is known for its reliability and high customer satisfaction rates.
-PureVPN – PureVPN offers two separate plans depending on how much bandwidth you want per month. For less than $10/month, users get access to faster VPN connections that are ideal for everyday browsing needs such as watching movies or playing games online with friends. For $8/month, users get access to higher bandwidth connections which allow them to enjoy Netflix at full HD quality and more online activities without any lag time between inputs or pauses in loading times.