How to Quickly and Easily Delete Blank Rows in Excel

How to Quickly and Easily Delete Blank Rows in Excel

Deleting blank rows in Excel can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if you’re dealing with hundreds or thousands of rows. Fortunately, there’s an easy solution! By using Excel’s AutoFilter tool, you can automatically delete blank rows without having to filter through each one individually. Here’s how it works!

Click into the first blank row

Whether you’re dealing with a lot of data or just a few rows, blank rows can be a pain to deal with. Here’s a quick and easy way to get rid of them

  •  Select the row(s) below the first empty row.
  •  Press Ctrl+Delete on your keyboard
  •  Press Shift+Ctrl+Delete on your keyboard
  •  Repeat until all empty rows are gone! If there are still cells with values or formatting left behind after deleting rows, use Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of Enter to make those cells part of the new row

Right-click on a cell

First, right-click on any cell in the row you want to delete. You can also select multiple rows by holding down the Shift key while you click on cells. When you release the Shift key, only selected cells will be deleted. If you need to select more than one column at a time, hold down the Ctrl (or Control) key while clicking on each column header. The content of these columns will now be highlighted. Once you have everything highlighted that needs to be deleted, right-click anywhere in the selection or press Ctrl+A on your keyboard.

Go to Special

One way to delete blank rows is to use the Go To Special feature in Excel. To do this, first select the cells you want to check for blanks. Then, go to Home > Editing > Find & Select > Go To Special. In the Go To Special dialog box, select Blanks and click OK. This will select all the blank cells in your selection. Finally, press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the blank rows.

You can also right-click any of the selected cells and choose Clear Contents from the menu that appears. And if you are using a Mac, hold down Command+Shift+A or Ctrl+Shift+A to select all of the blank cells in your selection.


Select Blanks

In order to delete blank rows, you must first select them. There are a few ways to do this:

  1. You can click on the row number of the first blank row, hold down the shift key, and then click on the row number of the last blank row. This will highlight all of the blank rows.
  2. You can also go to the Home tab, in the Editing group, click on Find & Select, and then click on Go To Special. Then choose Blanks from the drop-down menu that appears. Next, press CTRL+A or CMD+A to highlight all of the blank cells. Now you can either delete them one by one or press CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE (CMD+SHIFT+DELETE) to remove all of them at once.
  3. You can also go to the Home tab, in the Editing group, click on Find & Select, and then click on Go To Special.

Click Ok – All blank rows are deleted!

If you’ve ever had to deal with a large spreadsheet in Excel, you know how frustrating it can be when there are blank rows scattered throughout the data. But fear not, there is a quick and easy way to get rid of them! Click on Edit – Find and Replace, then click More – Special: The pop-up window will now appear which will allow you to search for an empty row (^$) that has no formatting. Check the box for Match Entire Cell Contents so that all empty cells without formatting will be deleted. All other cells that contain content or have formatting will remain untouched as this option only deletes cells without any content or format from the cell.

Use an AutoFilter instead

AutoFilter is a quick and easy way to delete blank rows in Excel. To use AutoFilter, first select the data range that you want to filter. Then, click the Data tab on the ribbon, and click the Filter button. In the drop-down menu, click the blank option next to each column header. Finally, click the Filter button again to apply the filter, and then delete all of the visible rows.

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